For POS Providers

Empower your customer's POS!

Increase your revenue while offering your customers a set of top performing Marketing & Analytics tools.  A sustainable solution to digitise receipts with priceless added value.

Are you a POS Provider or reseller?

Discover Partner's program, empower your POS and expand your network!

Simple and effective process

We provide multiple options for integrated solutions so your merchants can start sending Smart Receipts in a matter of seconds, for better customer experiences.

Seamless installation

Sustainable paperless transactions

Valuable Customer Engagement & Data

Boost Sales & Customer Satisfaction

Give your merchants the ability to monetize their customer portfolio with no development costs.

Provide add-on tools for powerful personalised customer marketing capabilities that lead to better sales and loyalty.

POS data is currently incomplete - offer more insights and potential access to millions of pieces of segmented data.

Why partner with clowid

Discover the benefits

Easy integration

Choose the integration that best suits your needs: API, APK or EasyClowID.


Increase your Recurring Revenue

Empower your POS

An Integral Platform to enhance the added value of your POS


Reduce environment impact by sending Smart Receipts by sms or app.

No aditional costs

Avoid costs and additional software development costs

ClowID integrates with any POS

Partner with us and empower your POS!


Seamlessly install our powerful software!

ClowID is a non-intrusive software that does not require on-premise hosting or hardware, provided by the reliable and fast Amazon Web Services.

Easily installed in a matter of seconds

Secure and protect integrity of user data

Compliant with current GDPR policies

API compatible with any POS


Increase your recurring revenue without any effort

Our main partners

We integrates with any POS!

Book a demo for free

Let's talk!

Does it sound like your merchants can benefit from adding ClowID to your POS system?


Book a call

Book a call with one of our consultants and explore all our partnership options, let's chat! 


Download our presentation

Learn how your business can better leverage customer data to motivate customer loyalty and improve sales.